Fruit & Vegetable Blogs, Nutrition & Benefits, Recipes & Cooking Tips

Three as hard as Nail Reasons why to have Garlic in Food

Folks, there is a famous Greek proverb “Let food be your medicine, and medicine be your food”. You might have heard this. If so, what do you think gets the most fit into this saying without thinking so much! It’s none other than the Garlic. And you would hardly find any person in the world who dislikes it in the food. This is so due to countless reasons. We have sort down three as hard as nail reasons as to why you need to have garlic as the key ingredient in your food rather, I should say your intake, on regular basis:

  • Rich source of certain nutrients and minerals:

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Garlic is a rich source of many nutrients and minerals that are very much essential for our good health, accordingly. For instance, it contains vitamin C, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, folate, and more. Raw Garlic contains almost 60% water, 33% carbohydrates, 6% protein, and less than 1% fats.

  • Auxiliary Health Benefits:

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As mentioned earlier, garlic is full of nutrients and minerals. And due to this particular reason, it has numerous health benefits associated with it. Like the sulfur compounds of garlic enter the human body and produce a potent biological effect inside through digestive system. Consequently, some other compounds can reduce blood pressure. Also in a way, it acts as a natural remedy against heart diseases. It prevents us from the sickness and common cold in particular. Garlic assures normal functioning of our lungs. Surprisingly, this vegetable is very advantageous as far as Alzheimer’s disease is concerned. And also, it improves the performance of athletes who use it on regular basis.

  • Enriches the taste of food:

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If we talk about its taste, needless to describe that it is used very frequently in cooking. Along with the countless health advantages, you would agree that it can simply enrich the taste of the food it is cooked in. For example, it is part and parcel of all the recipes that require meat marination with mutton, beef, chicken in general, and fish (seafood) in particular. It not only makes us taste good but also diminishes the unpleasant odor on the meat accordingly.

Interestingly, Garlic peel is not trash at all, which a lot of people think of. Garlic peel though unpleasant to eat raw but at the same time, it produces amazing infusion flavor into sauces, soups, and stock. So, once you try it, I am sure you would not miss it thereafter. So, if you are interested in garlic, all fresh and healthy, Freshleaf is the best option for you.

The fresh leaf is proud to deliver a complete variety of fresh and healthy, fruits and vegetables too at the most economical prices, throughout UAE.

If you are interested to know more about fresh fruits and vegetables, please keep in touch with us until our next blog!