Fruit & Vegetable Blogs, Nutrition & Benefits, Smoothies & Juices

Nutritional Value of Pomegranate Juice and its Benefits

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Nutritional Value of Pomegranate Juice.

The nutritional value of pomegranate juice and benefits of these nutrients for human health are appended in table below. The diverse range of benefits which one can get from adding pomegranate in daily diet is incredible.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juice


According to US Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, every 0.5 cup of arils (pomegranate seed/ juice pod) pomegranate juice contains following nutrients:-




Benefits for Human Health

Water67.8gEffects overall health in many ways Source
Protein1.45gBody repair and growth Source
Total lipid (fat)1.02gStoring energy and absorbing vitamins Source
Fiber, total dietary3.48gHelps in digestion and lowering of cholesterol Source
Sugars, all types11.9gFuel for body Source
Calcium, Ca8.7mgEffects bones, teeth, nerves and blood vessels Source
Iron, Fe0.261mgFor hemoglobin and hormones Source
Magnesium, Mg10.4mgFor healthy muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels Source
Phosphorus, P31.3mgRepair of all tissues and cells Source
Potassium, K205mgnerves, muscles heart Source
Sodium, Na2.61mgConduct nerve impulses,  contract and relax muscles Source
Zinc, Zn0.304mgGrowth and skin health Source
Copper, Cu0.137mgRBCs, immunity, collagen Source
Manganese, Mn0.104mgImportant co-enzyme Source
Selenium, Se0.435µgMetabolism, immune system, and thyroid function Source
Vitamin C8.87mgMaintain bones, cartilage, skin, vessels and immunity Source
Vitamin B-10.058mgBoosts energy, anti-depressant  Source
Vitamin B-20.046mgReduces inflammation of nerves Source
Vitamin B-30.255mgNervous system, digestive system and skin Source
Vitamin B-50.328mgUtilize carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids Source
Vitamin B-60.065mgFunction of sugars, fats, and proteins Source
Vitamin B-933.1µgHelps to form DNA and RNA Source
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)0.522mgAntioxidant, anti-inflammatory Source
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)14.3µgProteins needed for blood clotting and building bones Source
Fatty acids, total saturated0.104gEnergy source
Beta-sitosterol3.48mgLowering of cholesterol levels Source


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